[EU][WP] You are a competitive Pokemon trainer and you come across Ash Ketchem and his gang on their travels. Trainer code dictates a battle if trainers lock eyes.

Riding on ships gives you a lot of time to think. All I could think of was my previous battle with the Elite 4. My inventory was nearly empty having to use all my revives and super potions, but it was all worth it. The cash I had earned would probably be only enough to cover half of what I used, but having my name etched in stone was worth it. Well, kind of worth it. I had been 20 days to late in challenging them. There stood one name above mine, Ash Ketchum. Oh how it hurt to think how I hadn't started my journey sooner, or hadn't been born a year earlier. From what I gathered he had some of the strongest gym leaders following him around, and was always being helped the creator of the pokedex himself, Professor Oak. But it was okay, I had finally arrived in this new town. The town itself wasn't anything special. I heard the gym leader was out so there was really no reason to stay. Walking along the pier after so long on the boat held no interest to me, so I decided I would just head through the bushes and see some of the local pokemon. [Pi-ka-chu] No way. A wild Pikachu. And it was running out of the bushes straight to me. The first pokemon I encounter in the Kanto region is a Pikachu. The odds. I start sprinting towards it when I notice a group of people running behind it. Red shoes, and some blue jeans. A knot in my throat. This couldn't be happening. It's him. Ash ketchum. My eye's are staring where his should be once he looks up. 10 seconds pass as I'm waiting for his eyes to lock mine. He finally looks up with a grin. "You should have just looked away pal," he shouted at me. "Do you even know who I am?" My heart was racing faster. I hadn't even thought about challenging him yet. I had planned to just collect my gym badges and then maybe send a formal request for a duel. "Only the youngest Pokemon master. But whether we know each other or not, our eye's have met. I choose you Typhlosion!" Typhlosion erupted from the ball, releasing a small wave of fire as he howled. I could see the fear from their eye's. "W-... What is that?!" shouted Ash. He reached into his pocket for his pokedex and aimed at Typhlosion. "No data found," it replied. "Who are you!?" Ash shouted at me. I could not help but grin.

"You think you've mastered all the pokemon, yet I have so many that you haven't seen. You think beating the entire Kanto Region makes you the greatest trainer there ever was, but I'm about to show you that there's even more stronger pokemon out there. My name is Ethan and I'm the strongest trainer from the Johto region. It's time we see who the greatest trainer is."

/r/WritingPrompts Thread