Have you ever burned a bridge?

Yes, but intentionally. I had no respect for the company. It shouldn't even be a company. I was 19, needed a summer job, and a family friend who owns his own company offered to take me on for an impromptu internship in his office. Let me set my own schedule and paid decently, I was happy.

But I didn't understand what the company actually did until later. At first I was under the impression that it was a non-profit that ran social work programs to help troubled youth. As a psychology major with an interest in developmental psych, I was intrigued at the prospect. Eventually, though, I came to understand that this was for profit, and this guy was trying to milk the state for all the funding he could, and by doing the absolute bare minimum. This was before I was aware of the for profit prison industry, or the fact that juveniles were part of it. The place was a wreck, it was formerly a shitty nursing home in a rundown neighborhood that had been converted to house these kids as an alternative to the country detention center. They were not getting any help, and many of them were there for simple things like truancy (extensive school skipping). I would risk saying many if not most experienced abuse or neglect at home. You can't blame them for everything that they've done. I came to despise everything about this place by the end, especially the sleazy friend who owned it.

I burned the bridge, ironically, by going back the following summer. I decided that I would waste this guy's money the best way I could, by adding absolutely no value and still receiving a paycheck. This second time, I was assigned to help someone with a project, but she worked from home the days I usually worked, so I had the office to myself and was rarely supervised. I would go in for a full day and just play pc games on my laptop. For $10 an hour. All summer. When I finally left, I received an email asking where I left my project work. I never answered it and I've never regretted anything about it. Fuck that company.

/r/jobs Thread