Have you ever felt wrong for doing the right thing? What was it and why did it feel wrong?

Listen here you little shit, Sometimes telling the truth is the hardest fucking thing to do in life and Ima lay some truth on you right now. Shut the fuck up, telling your friends or even their s/o what is going on is the right thing for BOTH OF THEM. If they are cheating or being cheated on, its the worst fucking thing in the world and I'm going to save them from years of senseless bullshit even if it ends up ruining our friendship. Its called having integrity. I have never cheated but I have been cheated on and nobody had the fucking guts to tell me, I walked in on her naked with someone else. That's how I found out, I was 18 and she betrayed me, so i don't want any of my friends to go through something like that.

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