Everyone here is fucked and its grrrreat

On Monday I sent my in laws pics of naked chicks (don't know why) and my wife a text about how I wish we got Kfc more often. She was real upset about the ones to her parents and I couldn't say it was an accident to them because I also sent them texts so they know I meant to but don't know I was on drugs. I then took some clam to relax and woke up the next day and saw I sent pics of our kids to my brother and said that our kids are better than his. But also some really good texts to a few clients and got some work done so it's not always bad texts.


I sent my in laws 73 texts with pics of fish but not my fish, random ones. In some of them I told them they should make this for dinner the next time we go over but they were pics of goldfish and other colorful ones. It's better than the porn I sent last time but why fish?


the worse is I sent my wife texts saying I think she's beautiful but if I could I'd redo her entire face and body bone structure so she'd look better. I wrote that I was texting her becaus I couldn't tell her in person and sent pics of models. When I woke up she looked like she's been crying all night and hasn't been the same with me since


I emailed a report to my boss and that was perfect. Only thing is in the email I said the report was fishy but he assumed I meant finished. Why do I do good work but bad texts when I black out.


I can't lie your posts are hilarious, BUT

It might seem like your cLam usage and these "kinda funny" events are sustainable right now due to the fact you are thriving at work so it's okay.

You're only 26 and I've been there before and seen colleagues go through exactly what you are going through. The story Never. Ends. Well.

Eventually, you're gonna do something stupid and fuck your life up (or someone else's - which is even worse and you have a wife and kids ffs) and no one is going to give a shit what kind of car you've driven/drive or if you make/have made six figures in your mid 20s.

To be a successful person you gotta realize integrity is going to play a big part in the long term. I just hope it doesn't come at the cost of someone else's life and/or your family's well being.

But hey, what do I know? maybe you found the perfect combination of drugs + sending your in laws pornography / almost 100 fish pics while telling your wife you would redo her and telling your brother your kids are better - and you've accomplished all this in much less than a year.

Think of the possibilities if your behavior continues.

Just trying to call you out since I dislike when people call other people derogatory remarks while boasting for no real reason.

FWIW even though I don't like sharing too much of my personal information...

Source: me, just turned 34 and worth about a mil liquid. At one point I was on government aid for about 1.5 years during a period when I had gotten laid off and was struggling financially. Probably would have just been a welfare loser in your eyes, right?

/r/benzodiazepines Thread