Everyones A fucking dog

Nah, man.

Dogs are loyal. You see pictures of people who got hit by cars and their dogs are just hanging next to the bodies.

People though, people are awful. I can relate. I had a "close friend" of over two decades steal a considerable amount of money and sold off any minor assets I had lying around (music, movies, books, furniture) and then slander me considerably. Had roommates steal shit, had people try to con me with a smile on their face.

What pisses me off the most is that we're these "higher-level" beings, yet the only thing that matters is feelings, phermones, and hormones. We're fucking animals, no doubt, man. No doubt. We're fucking animals, and it's pathetic and disgusting and it gets to me as well because what the fuck is the point in sticking around with THESE people who don't even try to be more than basal instincits because they're pretty, or handsome, so it works for them, so fuck everyone else, but this is a "civilization" and a "society" we swear, you just need the right shapes and lines. You just need the right shapes and lines, otherwise you're autistic. Yes, we realize that's a slander to people, and that it's totally unfair to autistic people, but we don't care. We don't care. Now, you need to start being more sympathetic and more compassionate. Stop thinking about yourself and start thinking about US.

Right, man? What's the point when even family throws you under the bus? When there are no good people and the "good" people are really just animals looking, constantly searching for an excuse to play to their feelings and phermones. Isn't life grand, millenia of evolution, and we're sitting here with these computers, and we still only care about the shape of a person's face, his vocal tonality, her skin quality, his height, his height, his height, because she's a fucking caveman.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread