Ex-lazy people of reddit, how did you overcome your laziness?

For me it's my dogs and Reddit. This has all happened in less than a month by the way. I'm deeply depressed due to an abusive relationship and went for months only leaving the house a few minutes a day and only letting the dogs on the garden a few minutes a day. After a couple of months i had to take one of my dogs to the vet and it turned out it was an issue due to her weight. Around about the same time i posted on another thread about being stuck living with an alcoholic and the response from people was overwhelming. So i sort of stepped back and realised that my dogs are my responsibility and just because i was having a shitty time of it they didn't have to, and also i could change my life. So i started to walk them half an hour a day, then forty five minutes, then one hour. Now i receive help for depression, have kicked the alcoholic out, I'm back in full time employment and instead of sitting in front of the television when i get home, i eat dinner that i prepared before work and take the dogs hiking for 3 hours. They're in perfect condition now and i've lost over a stone and am happier than i have been in a very long time. So yeah, i agree a daily schedule is imperative, along with taking responsibility for yourself and your commitments.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent