I (F, 29) just found out my group of friends (F, late 20s) have been in on a private joke about the appearance of my genitalia for 12 years and they mocked me for years in front of my face without me realising it. [NSFW]

Dear people i am now rethinking as friends: after drinking with you all the other night when sarah explained the origin of the name dangler, I've been upset. Not sure what makes me most upset, that some of you were actually ignorant enough to not understand basic genetics and think my type of labia is linked to promiscuity, that ive been ignorant to open mocking for years, or that i actually thought you were the kind, considerate loving people i called my true friends. While i get over my upset i just wanted to make you all aware of how genuinely shitty i think you are for your behavior. And all because of an insecure 16yr old's micropenis and sexual immaturity? For the record, men love my pussy. For those keeping score, my sexual enjoyment is constantly climbing, ive thought i hit my peak at numerous points yet my luscious lips keep quivering more and more. You know which ones I'm talking about too. Let's just say youd have a lot of sex too if it felt as amazing as it does for me. Unfortunately, i know many of you cant relate to that. Maybe you taste as sour as your souls. Seriously. Suck my big labia you betches. Peace.

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