I (f27) found naked photos of my sister (f24) on my husband's (m32) phone

Let me be a voice of reason here. A lot of people on Reddit are so quick to just say get a divorce and blah blah blah but it's more complicated than that. What happened doesn't mean your husband doesn't love you. Men can and will find other woman attractive. Men will masturbate to these other woman in their minds. Men will look at porn. Loyal men too. Doesn't mean he will cheat on you. Doesn't mean he doesn't find you attractive anymore. It's just the way men are. Yes he took your sisters photos. Yes it's wrong. But does it mean you two should be divorced over it? He might be a closet sex or porn addict btw. It's a real thing. He could have hidden it from you. I used to be one and it was very hard to cope with. Hope you find the right answer.

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