Family of 3 living paycheck to paycheck. What can I change?

Excuses excuses I know. Just can't break contracts in anything for the sake of my newly done credit. I've had a credit score of 405 for 3 years and racked up $225,000.00 in debt, so this bankruptcy is a god send.

Your credit score is not a priority right now. You're not in any position to take out another loan until you get your shit together, which is certainly not right now. Get that attitude out of your head.

You have so many excuses. YOU HAVE A KID. YOU need to put yourself aside, you have another human!! Drink water or buy coffee, that's a dollar compared to 4+ for gross ass redbull. Smoking is bad for your child and fiance, read Allen Carr's Easy Way to Quit Smoking if you really can't find the motivation internally.

WHAT THE FUCK is a monthly subscription for perfume?!?!?! Nobody needs perfume. Cut that shit out.

Oh my god you are a mess. Your priorities are so fucked. 1.) Do not sign up for any more services that require monthly payments. 2.) stop buying frivolous bullshit that will kill you and your child (gas station snacks. Come the fuck on, these are choices you are making every day, there is nothing inherently fucking your budget except you. Unless you're buying only nuts and jerky, all that shit at the gas station is sugar and will lead to diabetes, which you're not mature enough to manage nor responsible enough to afford).

You are not trapped in the cycle of poverty, you and your fiance just make shit decisions.

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