Family Meal: How was your week, what was your worst table? What was your dumbest mod or guest request? What do you have coming up this weekend? Or do you just have a funny story you want to share? Or a meme. Post whatever you want in this thread.

How do I get better at creativity and just whipping stuff up? I'm paralyzed at coming up with specials when everyone else just has ideas. Servers will ask us to 'just make them something' and I'm stumped while someone else will casually whip up something completely off menu and great. Even just plating stuff; when we do menu change we have a period before where we'll all make it and experiment with plating and I just can't put food on plate in an appealing or interesting way.

I read cook books, I browse recipes and cooking stuff online. I experiment at home and try to teach myself new things. But no matter what when I'm put on the spot to 'just make something' there's nothing there. I have no problem making something for myself, and if I share I get told it's really good, but the second it becomes making food for someone else it's like I just mentally blank and freeze up.

/r/KitchenConfidential Thread