Fascinating article out today on obesity + diet in America

I have very strong feelings about this article, and they are not positive. It tells people they cannot take ownership of their own lives. Yes, crash diets don't work. But eating less, moving more? - that works. People read these articles and use them to justify their FOOD ADDICTIONS. They bash the "diet" culture, what about the fast food industry? Places that pack so many calories and sugar into everything. Look around at the check out lines at the grocery stores, they're all jumbo chocolate bars, if you want to buy a small single serving of chocolate for a treat it's pretty much impossible. Are obese people absolutely deserving of every respect and kindness that everyone else has? Yes! But we should not be pandering and supporting things like HAES. We should be encouraging cultural shifts towards eating less and moving more! I also think we should accept that food addictions are real and treat them as such.

/r/xxfitness Thread