FatFIRE'd Fitness Enthusiast - How much do you spend on your health?

I have lived with many disabilities and dysfunctions of health in my time. As a kid, I suffered a lot because our family as first generation immigrants did not have the means to support . We were one of those "worked for 25 years to come to this country with 20 bucks to our name" kind of immigrants.

Long ago Canada's Healthcare system was prime for people like me, but despite that as it declined I couldn't get half the services I needed and learned very early on if I was going to "make it" I would need a large balance to accommodate for future health issues I would inevitably develop. This shaped my ideology- you cannot rely on social supports to take care of your wellbeing and health, alone. When you are very poor you will get the very basic and it's often not enough when you suffer from outlier diseases.

In the last 5 years, as I cracked through 7 figures. I found private clinics, private doctors, private specialists the way to go after the government wait systems became too unbearable, for private Healthcare I generally spend 5 figures a year in Canada. It's a grey area in the law - you can get it, and doctors will accept selectively. Only then was I able to access the support I needed health wise. I recently had a serious surgery, in 2 months when the public system had me on a list for 3 years.

I am an advocate for private Healthcare solutions and think a two tier system is the way forward. My ailments have in some manner shaped how I view socialism in general. Great for the masses. Not for the outliers.

/r/fatFIRE Thread