FBI arrests man in Myrtle Beach allegedly planning attack ‘in the spirit of Dylann Roof'

We need to keep the media accountable for the fear they are spreading. I'm a Trump supporter and it's frightening to see the extremism coming from both sides, I realise this story is about a white supremacist moron and don't wish to take away from that I'm just concerned that were all being manipulated, I think unwittingly by the media and it's making certain people who would be more prone to violence and extremism act.

As a white male I feel like I'm constantly being blamed for things, told I have privilege when I cannot find a job or pay rent, pay for groceries and have to ask my folks for a few dollars here or there, as a man I feel like I'm constantly attacked for thinking like a man, liking naked women, being demonised whenever a white supremacist does something because I support for Trump (wtf?), Have dear white people movies from MTV and BuzzFeed about us constantly yet whenever we speak up were alt-right Nazis who deserve to be punched in the face.. I believe in gay marriage, I'm fine with transgender people, I don't understand it but I will use pronouns if someone prefers that. I think people should have access to affordable health care I just think the ACA was the wrong way to go about it, I'm engaged to a Chilean, I pay my taxes and donate to charities every year. I'm not some scary nazi and in reality if you were to look at the_donald for more than a few minutes you would realise most of us aren't.

On the flip side of the coin I think minorities are scared and concerned because they've been told that there's an uptick in white supremacist, they read articles of burnes out churches immediately shifting the blame to Nazis and then later it turns out it was a black man. Not all cases turn out to be false, many turn out to be true but these are the same things that happened before. It just seems like the media is pushing everyone to become hateful of the other side and I myself am guilty of that, Ive begun to think left vs right and I'm really only stating to realise it. The media needs to stop with the constant barrage of blaming white supremacists straight away for everything and the right needs to stop blaming illegal I'mmigrants and Muslims for everything.

I realise this has little to do with the article I just wanted to write it.

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