Fear of Worshiping Lord Shiva

First of all, know the meaning of SHIVA. SHIVA literally means "auspicious, propitious, gracious, benign, kind, benevolent, friendly"..SHIVA's love is for everyone... So, learn to LOVE SHIVA not FEAR SHIVA. SHIVA seeks your LOVE and not FEAR. FEARING SHIVA instead of LOVING SHIVA is the greatest sin of all. Fear will only destroy your inner peace and take you away from SHIVA. Only, loving SHIVA is the path to find sanctuary in SHIVA. As far as your sins are concerned, KARMA gives in return what you sow. No living being can escape the fruits or wrath of their KARMA. It's the way of the world. Just recite following 14th Sloka of Adi Shankara's Shiva Aparadha Kshamapana stotram and ask for SHIVA's forgiveness. May you find peace in SHIVA.

SLOKA In Devanagari:
करचरण कृतं बाक् काय़जं कर्मजं बा ।
श्रबणनय़नजं बा मानसं बापराधं ।
बिहितमबिहितं बा सर्बमेतत् क्षमस्ब ।

जय़ जय़ करुणाब्धे श्रीमहादेब शम्भो ॥

SLOKA In Roman:
Kara-Caranna Krtam Vaak-Kaaya-Jam Karma-Jam Vaa |
Shravanna-Nayana-Jam Vaa Maanasam Va-Aparaadham |
Vihitam-Avihitam Vaa Sarvam-Etat-Kssamasva |

Jaya Jaya Karunna-Abdhe Shrii-Mahaadeva Shambho ||

SLOKA Meaning:
1: Whatever Sins have been Committed by Actions Performed by my Hands and Feet, Produced by my Speech and Body, Or my Works,
2: Produced by my Ears and Eyes, Or Sins Committed by my Mind (i.e. Thoughts),
3: While Performing Actions which are Prescribed (i.e. duties prescribed by tradition or allotted duties in one's station of life), As Well as All other Actions which are Not explicitly Prescribed (i.e. actions done by self-judgement, by mere habit, without much thinking, unknowingly etc); Please Forgive Them All,

4: Victory, Victory to You, O Sri Mahadeva Shambho, I Surrender to You, You are an Ocean of Compassion.

/r/hinduism Thread