Hinduism and Christmas?

No. It's just the truth. I've lived in countries where nobody had ever heard of Christmas. If you've never heard of another culture's celebration, it indeed is irrelevant. If I did want to explore another festival outside my faith, (unlikely as we have so many) I'd probably pick one from Buddhism. Right now Hindus have Markali Pillaiyar, the famous 21 day Ganesha festival celebrated in South India, Tiruvembavai, the 10 day Nataraja festival that ends in the single largest abhishekham of the year for Nataraja at Chidambaram. Those are relevant. Have you even heard of them?

Yes I watched your entire podcast. Are you the man talking?

What this illustrates is the influence in history of an aggressive proselytising religion. We, as Hindus, have free choice to recognise that or not.

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