February 23 Daily Thread

I began nSuns 4 day program with OHP and am loving it. I've been lifting for a couple years now and it's been consistent that my deadlifts are often weak from the floor and I have trouble maintaining upper back tightness on the bench. I am able to back squat 235 lbs for reps but have issue front squatting more than 95 lbs (tried this lift multiple times long before I ever began this program).

Currently doing Paused deads as T2 lift. Is there any T2 lift I could do that can fix both my deadlift and bench weaknesses?

I incorporate a lot of t-bar rows, pulldowns, and face pulls to strengthen my back and have no issue adding weight or reps (except for face pull). This isn't enough to fix my upper back weakness on the bench

/r/weightroom Thread