October 3 Daily Thread

3x5 low bar with 315 for more practice, last set. Shoulders and elbows are starting to feel a little cranky, so I think this might be a once a week max like sumo. 3x5 press with 125 after and that was it. I'm cutting supplemental work down this week since I'm just feeling tired as shit. Assistance has been out the window since week 2, except for one horizontal and one vertical pull.

Was watching Stefi Cohen's vid with Yuri Belkin where he talks about his training frequency, and I won't lie that sounds pretty appealing. I could take 1000% Awesome's format and use ATS 2.0's programming. My squat would be fine and my deadlift would probably be fine. Bench is the one I'm not sure of, but bench is dumb anyway. If I can get my squat to 495 and my sumo to 585, I only need a 275 bench (which I'm pretty sure I can already hit paused) and a 6-8 lb cut and I'd be able to total 1350 and qualify.

/r/weightroom Thread