I feel like S8 was the first season where the worst player more often determined games rather than the best player.

My god. My thoughts aren't "all over the place" just because you'r struggling to grasp them.

If I have an account in bronze, silver, and gold. So what are the permutations if match-ups. I'm a bronze player in a silver game, a bronze player in a gold game, a silver player in a bronze game, a sliver player in a gold game, a gold player in bronze game, or a gold player in a silver game.

I'm going to be very careful here, since you're really struggling to follow along.

You can argue that it's okay for someone who is potentially gold to be in a bronze game. That's a valid argument (and it's what you would see if they reset ladder completely). However, if I am in fact Gold... then my performance in the bronze and silver games (or whichever permutation you choose) is inappropriate and unfair.

It isn't fair to the other players, for a gold player to be paired in their bronze game - simply because he sucks at carrying and can't climb out of bronze. So... unless we are speaking two different languages here. It isn't incorrect to say that my presence in the might invalidate the outcome of the game.

It's perfectly reasonable to assume that there was a silver player on the enemy team, who ended up losing, because it paired me (a gold player) in a bronze game (for example).

I'm worried that if I don't break this into separate posts, we aren't going to be able to communicate. The point is, no matter what rank I actually am, if I am in a game that doesn't match that rank, then it's fair the same that I might positively or negatively effect the outcome in the game in a way that isn't fair for the other players.

It isn't some kind of abstraction or through experiment. If you're Diamond and you let your little brother play on your account, and his team loses the game, is it possible he might be responsible for his teammates losing when they didn't deserve to lose. Yes. Yes it is. Okay, so then we agree with each other.

If you believe that its okay for anyone of any rank to be in any tier (because they are rising or dropping), then that's fine. But the theory behind the latter is supposed to minimize this occurrence, and it also assumed that a smurf isn't going to hang around for very long in a tier that they don't belong in. That isn't true for me. These 3 accounts have been in the same ranks for as long as I can remember. So I'm not the guy that's dropping out of silver because I'm really bronze and I suck. and I'm not the guy that's raising out of silver because I'm really gold and I'm good.

And your last point is factually, and objectively incorrect. Because it isn't rooted in reality. I'm showing you reality, and you're trying to tell me that it isn't objective. The meaning of words isn't determined by you. You're basically saying "if the ladder works as it's intended to, then you must be gold on all 3 accounts". But I'm not. And that's literally my entire point. I hover around 50% win rate in bronze, silver, and gold.

Let me play one your gold account. I can maintain a 50% win rate. Ask me to carry your Silver account to gold, and I will never, ever, ever make it there. In fact, I've been playing practically since the game came out, and I've never once switched from one tier to another tier except for one time, and that was when I got my primary account from Silver to gold.

The other account has been stuck in bronze since the first time I played ranked. And the other, other account has been stuck in Silver since the first time I played rank.

You can theorize that if I play 1000 more games, it might change. But it hasn't yet.

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