Why do we feel so sad in life, why is our life so depressing, how can we make ourselves happy ?

Happiness isn't really the same as being happy. Being happy is a momentary emotion that will go away eventually. True happiness on the other hand is a lasting state of being content with life. Happiness is something you find within yourself. Life isn't sad. Life isn't happy either. Life is full of ups and downs. If you give up at the bottom you'll never reach the top. Who knows the next top might be higher than the last one. You can't always be happy and that's just something you have to accept. Literally applies to everything you can't fix. Just accept it and get on with it. If you can fix something then fix it. Oh, you failed? Well try another approach but just don't give up. There is potential in you. Most of it you can't even see because you haven't put yourself out there and dared to find out! Your moment of truth is always the day that you say "I'm not scared". Just have a go will you? Hell, you don't even need to do this alone. There are plenty of people out there who can help you. No matter how many times you tell yourself otherwise, you are worth it.

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