Why Female Trump Fans Don’t Care About the Sexual Assault Allegations

this is a cultural divide that simply won't heal over- because both consider crossing the gulf as a betrayal of their cherished values.

But if you can be objective about it, some of these issues are quite simple. Let's take the example Trump fan from the article:

"The media, they're obsessed with sex, but the people are not," said Ellie Martin, a volunteer with the Trump campaign.

Sex sells. this wouldn't be the case if the people weren't sex-obsessed. they would be more relaxed about women's health issues if we weren't sex-obsessed. every female tv anchor wouldn't be a MILF or a GILF if we weren't sex-obsessed.

Men are definitely sex-obsessed, and that knows no political affiliation.

Martin said she's angry that media outlets are paying more attention to the women's stories than to emails from Hillary Clinton's campaign released by WikiLeaks.

That's because of what it says about character, about gender equality, about rape culture. Good god, woman, our need to dissect this part of Trump is a sincere wish that our public leaders weren't sex obsessed horndogs. Honestly, how can you not see this?

And I think we are giving the Wikileaks releases ample attention. It's just not that bad. Sorry. it just isn't.

She's scared of what might happen in a world where Trump loses the election, worried that taking in more refugees would be devastating to a country

Trump's strategy is guaranteed to polarize the world about ISIS, which is exactly what they want: elimination of the gray zone.

that she believes is already drowning in debt.

Too many big tax giveaways to megacorps who use the money to offshore jobs. too many loopholes in corporate tax law. too many deadbeat millionaires playing loose and easy with the public good.

Ending that is how you deal with the deficit, not taking food out of school kids' mouths.

As a conservative living in hyper-liberal Vermont, she's been thrilled to see Trump bring voters like her out of the woodwork. And she's not happy with the Republicans who rapidly abandoned the Trump train in light of recent events.

"It's the same old, same old Republican Party," she said. "They shoot themselves in the foot every chance they get."

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