Feminism robbing men and women of their nature. [Video]

This is nonsense. There is only one type of intelligence. Merely applying it to "emotional reasoning" does not make a different kind of intelligence. It is merely a skill.

I don't know if I agree with this. Intelligence requires a great many factors to be utilized effectively. I read an interesting observation on high IQ and the ability to use it. Take an individual who has an extremely high natural aptitude for playing piano (a literal genius at playing the piano), who has never played a note in their entire life. Place them in front of a piano, across the room from a person who is essentially of average piano playing capability but has practiced their entire life. Who would be seen, at face value, as the better piano player? Obviously the individual with average potential who has played their entire life. The person who made this example made a similar suggestion about IQ, claiming that merely having a high IQ does not constitute a truly intelligent individual. In the same way that the natural piano player must practice and bring a variety of different skills and knowledge to the table, the high IQ individual must have learned how to balance: knowledge/information, emotional and logical thinking, and have wisdom and experience to draw upon in order to fully utilize upon their max potential intelligence.

Considering this, intuition is often described as "emotional reasoning without logic", and that might be the dictionary definition, but I've always equated "true" intuition as something more along the line of "seeing the forest for the trees". While the individual in a forest can't see the entire forest, they can intuit that they are in a forest. This doesn't mean that intuition without reason is equivalent to intelligence, but it does seem to indicate that a mix of intuitive and detail oriented reasoning combined skillfully would equate to true intelligence, if we are to accept the original example I gave of the piano genius and high IQ as being an apt example.

Just as pure intuition does not equate to intelligent thinking, neither does raw brain power, and neither does pure logic. If the individual does not have a disciplined mind capable of combining reason , wisdom, and intuition in order to see and understand beyond their basic senses (ie: see the bigger picture), all the raw brain power in the world isn't going to equate to real world intelligence. This is why your average high IQ woman is a dangerous beast, not unlike Jean (Phoenix) Grey; such an untrained woman doesn't necessarily wield greater intellectual power, but instead uses their raw intellect to help their hamster spin faster than your average woman.

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