Feminists Love Islamists

The Muslim who ambushed the cop the other day, quite literally said he did it in the name of Islam and in support of ISIS. The Left-wing Mayor immediately countered by saying, "Nuh-uh! This had nothing to do with Islam!".

The left has done this for years, the philly shooting is just one of those incidents where the left's narrative is so obviously false. Even after his pledge to ISIS had become public, left wing media was still trying to find any motive other than Islam

We have a left wing in the country that actually thinks that Muslims here are treated as badly as Jews are under Nazi Germany. Muslims who wear Stars of David get invited onto CNN to pretend that having those mean republicans kick you out of a Trump rally is equivalent to how Jews were treated in 30's Europe.

Of course, we all know that in Nazi Germany, when Jews would launch terrorist attacks against the German civilians and when lone wolf Jews would shoot German policemen, Nazi officials would immediately come out to say that it has nothing to do with Judaism and that the attackers weren't even Jewish, don't be such an Antisemite! Oh wait, Jews didn't actually bomb or shoot up Germans in the 30's, and nobody stood up for them, to the point where when they began to be rounded up and carted away, the German citizens pretended nothing was happening. Could it be that the U.S. is actually one of the best countries in the world to be a Muslim, and that Western countries are still extremely tolerant of Muslims, especially given that Muslims are fleeing the Middle East and North Africa in droves to come live in Europe and the USA. Could it be that instead of carting off the Muslims in trains to their death in gas chambers, American and European cities are bankrupting themselves trying to find places for tens of thousands of these new poor and unskilled immigrants to live? Could it be that their situations are actually nothing alike, and the fact that Jews were fleeing from Germany to Israel in the 30's, while today Muslims actually are fleeing from Muslim countries to the U.S. shows that their situations are actually opposite of each other, not at all comparable?

Nah, the left is correct, Muslims are the new 30's Jews and Republicans are the new Nazis. It's a lot easier to hate all republicans when you think that way.

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