Fide (The World Chess Federation) holds 2017 Women's World Championships in Iran, so the players must wear hijab (head covering) while in the venue and in public, because it is Iran and that's how they roll. Would you compete or boycott? Your thoughts on this decision?

If some Iranian women play chess at the international level, then Iran should be considered when selecting locations for the women's world championships.

I do understand that some international organizations feel obligated to boycott certain regimes. However, I think it would have been a bit of a reach if FIDE had decided that it was going to be the champion of women's clothing rights in Iran.

I'm from a Christian, moderate family, and was raised in a community that was about 70% Muslim (with maybe half being hardcore about religion), in a country that discriminated against non-Muslims. Things weren't perfect, but everyone in town made an effort to keep things chill. And part of that involved learning how to actually interact with people who held completely different behavioral standards than you. Being unable to interact with anyone but your own group was seen as immature and impractical,

A lot of the reactions to this kind of make my hackles. It's at odds with stuff that seems instinctual and 'natural' to me. I have been neither impressed with the Western response, nor with what I've noticed about the plans for the tournament. Though, to be fair, it's not like I've been participating in the organization of the event.

/r/AskWomen Thread