FineBros have now lost nearly 500k subs since their PR disaster.

To be honest, you are as blind as the "circlejerking anti-FB mob" you describe.

As part of any growing business, they decided to trademark their shows, unfortunately causing this mess as their shows under the React meant they had to copyright the name "React".

No, this is not part of any growing business. If you have an original concept, idea, product, etc. then yes I could see trying to copyright so people don't make money off of your original design. "React" series were not The Fine Brothers' creation, they were attempting to take what was everyone's, and turn it into what was solely theirs, with a for-profit motive. This is after the Youtube community had given them careers, success, fame, whatever else. They weren't satisfied with their top100 ranking Youtube channel with millions upon millions of views.

IIRC, in their contract it stated the revenue split was 60-40 (this is after Youtube takes their share), and if you were under ReactWorld contract, ANY video you made while under contract would forever be monetized by them, even if you ended the contract. They would siphon money off of you until the end of time, lining their pockets the entire way.

How is this "not sinister"? Every single person downvoting them saw through the BS they were spewing, and I'm proud of every single person here that did, because we all know as soon as ReactWorld happened, they had full control to take down whatever video they thought was "infringing on their ReactWorld", and they had already started to do so before even acquiring the copyright. The bullshit message they sent to Ellen Degeneres? We all saw it. It was almost delusional how they expected her to not leave them out. Again, this is the tip of the iceberg, before they even had rights to reaction videos they were already bossing people around.

So, while I want to sit here and say "I'm sure The Fine Bros are perfectly kind and reasonable people who were only doing what was in their hearts with love", I can't. Greed got to them, and they are getting the backlash they deserve.

And no, I don't suggest people go to their videos and downvote, because that is childish as fuck. Instead, arm yourself with information, and the next time they try to pull some bullshit like this, be ready for it.

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