First Football Sunday Game Food Thread

It's an easy thing to do. If you are already making better choices and a more positive attitude toward how you care for yourself then it's an easy switch to make. Drinking soda for beer is better sure because you aren't impaired but it's not good for you. Imagine what quitting drinking and that feeling (I've done exactly this) and losing wait as well for cutting out soda too. Now i looked better, felt better mentally and physically from not drinking and giving up soda. It's progress, you already stopped drinking, now as someone else said take the next baby step. You will see small results quickly which can help you drive to make that next step. " what if I did 100 push-ups a day along with not drinking alcohol and soda, imagine how did look and feel then" and it goes on. But replacing alcohol with soda is dangerous in a way. That then becomes your crutch, as an addict I known well i latched onto other things easy. And drinking a soda for all the alcohol you used to drink is terrible for your body.

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