First Look at Nintendo Switch

No one is jacking off to anything. Technical aspects are a part of a console, there is nothing wrong with discussing it.

Yes, the games are the most important part. But games are limited by the technical capabilities of the system they run on. It goes hand in hand, we don't care about the specs, we care about what they represent, which is potential for better games.

I say this as someone who often plays games that can run on a toaster, I still play side scrollers, I can enjoy a game that does not have fancy graphics, but I also like games that are cutting edge and impressive visually. So, I am curious what the NX is capable of, especially when the main launch title is an open world massive zelda game that aspires to visually impress. You know what is not fun in open world games, when grass and trees pop in and out of existence at a 20 food radius around you, draw distance requires hardware, and yes, for a visually impressive open world game like that, I would hope it is at 1080p, it just looks better.

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