First Teaser – Marvel’s Inhumans

Yeah, I agree. The Critics are dead wrong. Iron Fist was great. Because I don't' know what the negative reviews are talking about or what they're coming from. But ignore the critics, Watch the show and judge for yourself. Because I found out that this show was better than the trash the critics called it when it's actually great. It deserves better than all of this hate. I think it should be in the 80s or 90s just like the other Marvel Netflix shows as Far As RT goes. My Issues with the critics was that they were more interested in being outraged with any movie or TV Show whether we love it or not. They're just crazy people on the internet with options. And Iron Fist is becoming a huge success so The critics options don't mean anything. This show's on the same level as LC And DD. The show and critics just keep fighting each other. IT's not even a fair fight anymore. It's like pounding dead or alive guys into a successful show like IF or a failed movie like Ghostbusters. That's why they're idiots. They're destructive according to Brett Ratner. They need to learn right from wrong with the shows and Movies. And we're the people who can make that happen. I loved the Plot twists and the family dynamic between the Meachums. IT's a solid addition to the MCU And we're excited for the Defenders. It was 100x better than JJ. They don't realise that all they're doing is alienating fans and the core audience. Of Course they wouldn't slam Luke Cage for being slow or bad acting and they don't deserve to do it with Iron Fist. They're the bane of existence. They could totally make you miss out big time. Make up your own mind and don't listen to others carrying on about their options. Every single Negative Review mentions a white saviour not being asian. That's all they care about. Ratings and watching it are far more important than reviews are. They're using political views instead of reviewing it on the comic version which the character is white. They don't understand how to write a unbiased review. They just go with the popular vote or in other was review it as how it's trending with certain political groups like this asian character stereotype. Most of them weren't even alive when this character was created in the early 70s. They're poor critics that don't deserve their title. Entertainment critics really suck. They get worse every review. This show is defintely worth the watch and is another great addition to the Marvel Universe. Great job Marvel And Netflix. Iron Fist reviews were mean when it's actually amazing, Definitely better than JJ and LC. If there's negative reviews for Inhumans, Audiences will prove them wrong once again. Here's the real Reason why the Critics were wrong about Iron Fist. Honestly, besides a few bad lines of dialogue and a somewhat annoying Danny Rand at times, Iron Fist pretty much felt like every other Marvel Show on Netflix. Each show have suffered because it's hard to make a 13-hour movie compelling throughout each episode. And Yet, Marvel Television is doing a stellar job at it, Even Though that have yet to hit the comotional core of the critically acclaimed Agents Of SHIELD, but they still have plenty of them time to still accomplish that. I may be training in martial arts expert. But neither are most critics, Now, Not everyone likes the action-- It's just how things go, But i've talked to some people and every one of them talked about how awesome it was and stupid Critics were to Hate IF and give it negative reviews. Most people just sat back and enjoyed the show. This right here is why most fans are upset, Because we feel like we were lied to by those who are supposed to help us weed the bad shows and give us somewhat of an indication about what shows we should be watching. One can see how this show might've rubbed a few critics the wrong way, But for that number to be so overwhelmed negative, It makes one think awful things , like maybe they just didn't give it a chance because of controversy or they should read more comic books to get better indication of what we're expecting. If You're already going in knowing you're gonna hate it, then why even review it? Nobody wants to think like that. Most of us are simply baffled because that many critics thought Marvel's Iron Fist was that terrible and it shows with 86% approval rating currently from the audience, with almost 5,000 people trying to get their voices compares to the 44 people who reviews it. I'm a passionated guy and I'd love to see the critics review it again and change their negative Reviews to more positive ones after they watch the last 7 episodes. Iron Fist most certainly had some flaws, but so did every other Marvel Show on Netflix. Furthermore, Is it even right to review something when you only watched less than half the season. These are things we musk ask our critics. Being rude gets you nowhere. But constructive criticism actually might help the process. Lastly, We're lucky its on Netflix. And As long as they get strong numbers and ratings and We call the show aweome, We should see a Season 2 in the next couple of years. Or if we're lucky, Heroes for hire.

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