First trimester a breeze, third is hellish

My whole pregnancy has seemed hellish....but I agree, 3rd tri seems especially cruel since your body and mind are already so exhausted. In the beginning, at least you have some reserves or could remember what it felt like to feel decent. Now, I'm just so spent - - physically and mentally. I'm not ungrateful, I'm 37 weeks w a healthy baby. But otherwise, I have not enjoyed a single day of my pregnancy. And each week, I feel like I can't handle much more...but it keeps progressing. I can't wait to have my personality and sense of humor back, my digestive tract functional again, my hip and back bones that don't pop in and out of place every time I move, my thyroid levels back in name a few. This whole process has shaken my confidence and made me feel weak. Labor seems terrifying because my body seems to betray me at every turn. I know women have been gestating & birthing for all eternity and we are "built for this"....but I can't help think that's true generally speaking and I must be some kind of freak outlier who was definitely not cut out for this. Hope I make a better mother than a pregnant lady.

/r/pregnant Thread