Flashback Post #2: Women are Children & Treating Women like Children by redpillschool, GayLubeOil

I went and read Futerelle's "article" for shits and giggles. He showed screenshots of the post and select comments with little snarky bits of commentary in between. It was a complete shitpost with no content. Here's a sample of his dialogue between screenshots.

Well, with that critical issue taken care of in a totally not creepy or red-flaggy kind of way, let’s move on to some of the serious discussion Professsor LubeOil’s thesis inspired in the Red Pill Subreddit.

Ah, who am I kidding? They mainly just posted comments about how totally right he was and how women totally are a bunch of overgrown children. But saying women are children is totes not misogyny!

He never addresses anything directly other than to essentially say: "Wow, he just said that." And though I found the comments in his screencaps enlightening (and also have a full context of their application -amazing how that works), he only picked and chose comments that seemed to back up his "point." Replies a la /u/trudatness went completely unmentioned, naturally.

Here's something that grabbed my eye in a following comment war:

Please understand that I agree with PoM and M. I’m not your token Good Feminist; whatever they say to you goes for me as well.

However, I am a scientist, and as a scientist I must call you up on your claims which are based on hearsay, supposition and “everybody knows” rather than on data. Peer reviewed study or GTFO, <other commenter>.

Another perspective I have come across which seems to be a massive male hamster nuking the conversation while hiding behind a staunch belief in science and its processes. "I have no way to combat your logic, so let's just stop this conversation right here." Show them some evolutionary psychology/gender theory for maximum cognitive dissonance. Ah yes, we forgot the trump card to the scientific method: the Progressive religion and its definition of morality.

This is purely subjective and ad hominem but I'm going to say it. When a guy completely denies the collective understanding that there's something inherently fucked up about female behavior, I lose respect for his opinion almost completely. I do not understand how you could go through life not picking up on this to some degree. It is pervasive across literature, media, our interactions in school, work, church... I'm still sorting out a lot of things in my life but TRP has given me so much closure on things that have been bothering me my whole life. Even across cultural/language barriers, men can share a knowing look about women and know exactly what each other is thinking. This is universal shit, man. If you don't see it, why am I wasting my time listening to your opinion? ..because you're obviously completely oblivious, or intellectually dishonest.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent