A medical marijuana advocate has lost custody of her 11-year-old son at least temporarily and could face possible charges following comments the boy made during a drug education program at his Kansas school

I never said that you didn't reply to anything. You replied and then claimed that I agreed on things. So far, there's been nothing that we've agreed with except that she shouldn't be fighting for her kid.

We can't even agree on the facts because you insist on making assumptions that aren't supportable without gross assumptions on your part (for example, was she storing drugs on her table, or just processing them at the time because she got raided?, or was she smoking in front of her kid, or smoking in another room?).

If you can't see that your making shit up to support your point and that having a problem with that is reasonable, then there's no way we can debate. I'm not particularly emotional about this, but somehow you've laid that on me, despite acting VERY emotional by insulting me randomly...and in very odd ways.

Hell, there's even question of how much product she had, as though this article claims 1.25 lbs, most others claim 2 ounces of oil.

So, can you drop the bullshit judgement and maybe have a conversation, or are you going to continue with the bullshit? Quit being a judgmental asshole, and converse!

You seem to be arguing that the government should step in because she's clearly passing drugs to others from her place with lots of smoking and tons of smoke and tons of child endangerment. Meanwhile, I'm arguing that she's probably fine because she's processing medication (and was likely interrupted as she was raided, smoking a little bit of oil (that produces almost no smoke), and thus no child endangerment.

Did you stop to think that your assumptions may be wrong before you jumped on me? Notice how I didn't attack you for the most part and have been playing defense most of the time. I don't want to attack you, why do you want to attack me? Why are you making so many assumptions without enough information to make them? Note: that includes me, as you've accused me of being highly emotional and too emotional, and unable to read because of a single misquote.

I'm done. I hope that last bit gets through to you. Not on this issue, because I don't really care, but on conversation and discourse in general. You claim that it was pointless to debate me, but it couldn't have been anything but pointless when you insisted on making baseless assumptions and then running with them rather than looking at multiple sides of the situation.

Have a nice life, but I can't do this anymore.

/r/news Thread Parent Link - bigstory.ap.org