I followed my own words. I am now free.

Clarification: I am not taking exclusively about the Goonswarm here, I'm talking about all of them, so don't shout that my casting doesn't specifically fit Goons. And, when I say drama, I don't mean me being pissed at a whiny guy in chat. I mean a permeating feeling of internal hostility to outside forces, and a consistent environment dangerous to civilized interaction.

Everyone in null seems to have a superiority complex. "OUR ALLIANCE IS THE BEST YOU HAVE TO JOIN IT", "LOOK AT OUR FLASHY WEBSITES WE TAKE OURSELVES SERIOUSLY", "THIS OTHER ALLIANCE SUCKS BECAUSE WE ARE AT WAR WITH THEM", "LOL I ONLY TALK IN CRINGEWORTHY SHORT SENTENCES BECAUSE I THINK I AM SO FUNNY", "YOU BETTER FLY OUR DOCTRINES OR YOU'RE WORTHLESS" seem to be constant with Alliances. It appears here, and in game. Even if you're a shrinking speck on the map (PFR...) you are apparently the "most friendly environment, our loss of sov just means more content, don't worry". You tirn to coalitions because apparently you need a bigger dick despite the fact that you should already be "the best Alliance" which would not need one. Apparently I will make "lots of money" in your space and "every ship counts" in a 400 ship fight that focuses on heavier ships than frigates.


You got what CCP originally envisioned as lawless wastes and turned it into your personal property so you can expand your e-member, and twist words to corral newbies, who would probably be better off working the ladder from highsec to lowsec to nullsec the normal way, into an environment they were never meant to be in. You shitpost and make propaganda and take everything seriously "because it's still a game". It's a fucking dick waving contest in a universe where I was promised everything would be fleeting.

Fuck goons, fuck /r/eve, fuck nullsec.

/r/Eve Thread Parent Link - imgur.com