Food complaints no secret at CSIS headquarters

My favourite part about the various 'early comments' to threads like these is that it becomes blindingly obvious as to which posters actually read the article.

From the 'didn't read the article, but felt compelled to go full-retard and post something anyway' files:

Maybe CSIS employees should do what the thousands of front-line government workers struggling to support their families do every day: Pack a lunch from home.

Holy shit - guess what, the food from my high school sucked too. Bring a lunch and don't call a national newspaper to make a fluff story to humanize the people spying on everyday communications of millions of innocent Canadians.

Maybe you guys should have actually tried reading the article:

At the time, the catering services were prone to blunders, especially when it came to serving religious meals. In one instance, a foreign delegation visiting CSIS headquarters was served ham sandwiches, despite having inscribed the words “NO PORK” in bold letters on the order form.

Such incidents were “not isolated,” one employee wrote in an email. According to the documents, CSIS is unable to provide kosher food, and when halal dishes are served, they are often of poor quality.

In an instance that was later described as embarrassing by agency personnel, a reception hosted by CSIS for a group of foreign dignitaries was marred by the “extremely unappetizing” halal food. The meals, consisting mostly of sandwiches with no condiments, were left untouched, one employee said.

“While the refreshments offered were acceptable, aspects of the lunch fare were below what I would consider to be acceptable standards,” the complaint read. “I could not even identify one of the meats by sight. (. . . ) It may seem like a small point but it reflects poorly on us to provide this type of hospitality.” The employee ended up distributing bags of chips as snacks.

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