For a group of people who claim to be pro-life, they sure don't care about people's lives.

Imo i dont think abortion should be illegal, but i dont think you can have sex without contraceptives and just abort the baby. I think abortion should be free if you have been raped or something, but if you have an abortion more than once or if it was because you just ‘didnt want the baby’ then you should have to pay for it. I also think that contraceptives should be available for free from mens and womens bathrooms, to avoid the need for unnecessary abortions. Im quite conservative but even i know that banning abortions is a stupid idea and just involves pain for the woman, and often leads to the child being unintentionally neglected and stuff. I think we should try and prevent the need for abortions, not stop people having them when they need to. But thats just my opinion

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