For months, I've visited different doctors and different ERs but nobody would remove my ovarian cysts because I'm only 23. Yesterday I finally had surgery and they had to stop because my left ovary is now fused to my colon :) :) :)

read through it, its bullshit. they used ridicolous bullshit for their study, they literally bought meds off the internet and studied that, rather than getting a prescription. its HILARIOUS that you consider this a legitimate study.

Evidence is lacking to support superiority claims of compounded bioidentical hormones over conventional menopausal hormone therapy.

not only was no one talking about compounded ones, compounded hormones usually come in pill form - pill form of ANYTHING is not 100% safe because it has to pass through the liver. patches, injections and gels do not. Additionally they "mixed" the stats they got, there were no separate sections for risks of different administration methods, they just lumped it all together, which is a really good sign of a really bad study.

Customized compounded hormones pose additional risks. These preparations have variable purity and potency and lack efficacy and safety data.

we do have this data in EU and appropriate agencies, this is purely FDA's fault that they didnt bother testing this. However despite Lack of data, it does not mean that there are some extra risks. it means there is no data one way or another.

Because of variable bioavailability and bioactivity, both underdosage and overdosage are possible.

there is no variable bioavailability or bioactivity, or under or over dosage. did you read how they got to this sentence? i did. They bought meds off the internet, from shady sellers. and then tested it. Rather than actual real god damn pharmacies. who would have fucking thought that there might be some issues with shady pharmacies???????????

Conventional hormone therapy is preferred over compounded hormone therapy given the available data.

they have nothing to back up this statement at all. I mean, they just didnt bring out anything relevant to support this statement, so the fact that its in this conclusion is crazy.

Despite claims to the contrary, evidence is inadequate to support increased efficacy or safety for individualized hormone therapy regimens based on salivary, serum, or urinary testing.

salivary testing is bullshit and its impossible to test anything through it - they THEMSELVES state this in the paper you linked. urinary testing isnt particularly useful either because you dont get enough data of it. you take a god damn blood test.

all in all this study is bullshit, badly done, brings out zero things against bioidentical hormones, nothing for them. and tries to advertise "conventional hormone therapy".

get a better fucking study next time.

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