Former CU student convicted of Boulder rape spared prison sentence

I'm struggling with the headline; it seems intentionally misleading. This fellow was sentenced to two years in prison, with work release.

In Boulder County, that means that if he has a job and/or a school that will accept him, he can leave jail during the day, go directly to work/school, and then return directly to jail immediately thereafter.

As a Sex Offender, he'll need to register his work address, any potential school or employer will be very aware of his crime, and his victim (or her lawyer) can keep tabs on that, file for a protective order to keep him away from her, etc.

I'm uncomfortable with the idea that the victim could run into this asshole in public, but the chances of that actually happening are extremely low.

In the meantime, he's going to spend the next 2 years living in prison, the next 20 years on probation, and his entire life on the sex offender registry. It is more lenient than I'm comfortable with, but it doesn't seem like a ridiculously lenient punishment to me.

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