Free Talk Friday (11/11)

This election has been a mindfuck on my emotions and it's changed my perspective in such a way I'll never be the same again. For a lot of us this is a pivot in our way of thinking and acting moving forward. We're cautious, scared, awake and as a result I'm questioning a lot of my life and asking myself if it aligns with who I really am and who I want to be. Am I doing enough? I'm doing a mental reality check, I guess. I spend a lot of time online because I have the time to do so - downtime at work, in the car while kids are at practice, in between games, etc. The more I think about the time I've spent on gomi, the more I notice the theme: bullying women under the guise of intellectual and witty writing. It's become acceptable trumpspeak on women. The way PP bashes women is no different than they way trump did, only difference being PP is an actual woman. So like, I'm hanging out with people online who speak about women the way trump does, and I'm choosing this? Don't get me wrong, I'm no Feline Porklord but I've contributed some mean and immature comments myself and damn if I don't feel ashamed right now. Had to really look at what I'm feeding my brain and I don't want (can't take) that kind of negativity anymore. PP would call me a special snowflake or "roll her eyes into the back of her head but that's only because she has zero self-awareness and lacks the ability to look in the mirror to see how much she hates herself. She doesn't have the strength, gumption, fortitude, or balls to own her struggles and failures, she's a coward who refuses to seek help. This is not a woman I want to support and since i'm in the mood for action & not talk, I'm going to use this lesson to finally rid myself of the toxicity that is gomi, no more pageview$ from me. It's a big ass internet and i'm sure i can find something more clever & meaningful & POSITIVE. PP's all, 'bye Felicia' but the truth is she WILL not make money from me today (or tomorrow) so take someone else's lunch money, PP.

/r/blogsnark Thread