Friend has cancer, how much can ganja help him with chemo?

Most people who like to talk about cannabis and health have done very little to no research at all.

I just don't believe in institutional studies, really; mainly because it's just as easy to bribe scientists with cash, drugs, or oral sex as it is anyone else. To me, corporate or organisational research is the new papal bull; "scientists" have decreed something, and now I have to spend time trying to figure out whether their methods/motivations/whatever else were legit when they did it.

I'd prefer to either experiment myself, or in situations where I can't do that, ignore the issue in question. I gave the OP advice based on what I've seen work.

I'm only responding to you to this extent now, because in your second post you had got out of reprimandment mode. I don't necessarily blame you for that attitude; but understand that one of the main ways in which I tend to be very different to most people, is that I am not primarily motivated by the need to belong to a group. So reprimanding me for being what you consider unscientific is not going to work, because a} I actually value being what is considered unscientific in mainstream terms, and b} you have nothing tangible to threaten me with, and nothing you can use to force me to accept your opinions.

So that means that if I don't want to accept evolutionary theory or whatever other of atheism's sacred cows (such as the one about organisational research, relevant to this discussion) for my own reasons, then I will not, and people are welcome to accuse me of insanity or irrationality or whatever else they like, and I can simply go to another Web page. I live with two other people offline, and we are some distance away from a capital city. I don't have a mobile phone, and other than Reddit and occasional Facebook, I don't use social media. When I turn the laptop off, both you and the degenerate society that you live in, cease to matter.

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