From an actual grandma on my instagram. She also has thinly veiled homophobic posts.

Woah, wait a second. No.

Otherkin have a huge habit of trying to co-opt real social justice movements based on fucking RACE and SEX and GENDER and ORIENTATION that are fundamental to a human being's existence and try to apply them to their hobby and fanfic preference. And it's really distracting, and fuels TiA shit, and the failure to acknowledge the context itself rises to the level of bigotry by sabotage.

Call me anti-furry, anti-divine, anti-whatever. Come the fuck at me. I'm not the one who's jumping in the middle of a conversation about innocent black folks being shot by police, or suicidal trans teenagers, or women being quizzed on their sexual history during a rape trial, and saying "BUT WHAT ABOUT TEH OTHERKIN?"

At least "but what about white/cis/straight/men" is along the same taxonomical lines. It's wrong and a distraction, but at least it's a response that makes sense in context.

My problem with otherkin is that the visible ones don't actually try to identify issues important to otherkin, they take every opportunity to make a social justice power play on top of someone else's movement. That's the only thing of substance. Because guess what? There are no laws prohibiting you from believing whatever the hell you want about the origin of your "spirit". As animists, you are literally one of the most legally protected classes in the world, because EVERYONE and their MOTHER can get behind "religious freedom".

I'm not saying I can't be convinced otherwise, but I have never seen "otherkin activism" that was anything more than "I'm a privileged white kid and I need to feel oppressed so I can be the most important person in the room again."

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