Fuck Complete (fuck games that think they deserve your time but don't earn it)

Yes, I'm sorry I exaggerated by saying majority. The top-rated comment assumes both that she has no knowledge of an entire genre (again, she is a video game journalist being accused of not video gaming right) and that she's saying any long game is a bad game that shouldn't be played. How is that acceptable? To assume a woman just doesn't have proper knowledge in spite of her qualifications?

The next high-rated comment assumes that she's saying collectables aren't ok. Which she does not, in fact, say in the piece. Why is it acceptable to put words in her mouth?

Two comments down from that, someone accuses her of closed-mindedness, of wanting games to be like a movie, that she's undermining gaming with her writing alone, that she's trying to force something on the industry, and insults her writing itself. How is any of that acceptable enough in Ghazi to be the fourth-highest rated comment? It blatantly accuses her of things she hasn't said nor done, and directly attacks her.

The sixth comment accuses her of being in an ivory tower, of trying to force something on the industry again, and tells her that if she doesn't like the way a game does something then she just shouldn't play it. How is that acceptable when it's the exact same argument as, "Well if you don't like a white male main character then don't play those games"?

The seventh comment accuses her, YET AGAIN, of trying to push her opinion on others, and then follows up by quoting her without context or further information from her piece in order to accuse her of trying to make games shorter. How is that acceptable? We laughed at Thunderfoot taking Anita out of context to make an unrelated point, but this is ok?

That's seven parent comments out of 13, including mine, which argue against points the author didn't present, or attack her directly and accuse her of not having gaming knowledge despite her profession and history.

I'm sorry, but sometimes we have to accept that Ghazi has problems rather than writing them off and accusing the people who point them out of being guilty of the great sin of exaggeration.

/r/GamerGhazi Thread Parent Link - medium.com