Fuck off Houston

Yep and they go around door to door country to country trying to brain wash people about their prayers and how god is the only way and use scare tactics to trick people into "believing" in a higher being. When they are told to leave people alone in other countries they come back to their church and exaggerate how rough they had it, how they were the victims for god and how dangerous it was. They then proceed to come up with a story or to of how some sick girl in a village was dieing and their prayers cured her or some major language barrier happened and by some miracle of god they understood through prayer and it goes on and on. This is used to trick the congregation/church that prayers really work and if it isn't working for you then you aren't Christian enough and must come to church more to reach that level of enlightenment/give more money that goes to pay for the church or the churches add-on building... and of course the Rolex watch given to the pastor by the dean's of the church for "x" amount of years of service. Along with either luxury car, some fancy 100k year membership, or a huge check.

Yeah fuck the church and if you believe what I don't... then fuck the entire idea of a god in the sky with a story that has been repeated, changed, and added on to in every culture with every religion before and after christianity.

/r/funny Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it