Fuck Uber

I was at a Chinese restaurant and someone already took the order. Instead of being a tempered child. I call support. Report it stolen. Get reimbursed $10. Sometimes $5, depends. Wow, problem solved. Was that so hard? No. Have some self control and stop being negative. Why do you think restaurants ask to hit “delivery” before leaving. Oh but then you got spoiled fucks saying “I hAtE wHeN tHeY aSk mE tO cLiCk CoNfIrM” y’all always got something to bitch about. It’s always one thing or another. I’m not siding with either side cause Uber high key be exploiting and y’all drivers (not all) are just spoiled lazy fucks that cry when you have to do just the slightest inconvenience

/r/UberEATS Thread Parent