As a veteran I want to thank all my fellow Americans for putting me through college. I couldn't have done it without you guys.

Yup. I started my education at a community college and paid for it all the way through with a job I worked part time with a scholarship I got in highschool because I didn't fuck around. All these crybaby in this thread act like going to college without a GI build is impossible. Or that they shouldn't have to get shot at in a desert to get a college education. News flash, you can and it's not as difficult as they make it out to be with a little effort.

I put myself through medical school with federal loans. I had nothing. I wanted for little and lived frugally (and therein lies the problem with this generation of kids).

They want everything given to them when there's plenty of opportunity. You have to be willing to take some of the risk of investment on yourself. Why should our entire country take on the risk of you going to medical school when you could potentially fail out? The graduation rate overall is high but it still fluctuates over 10%. That's a lot of potential failure. "B-But if this were a great country they'd pay for my college education." No. A great country gives you the tools to carve out your own destiny. The potential is there.

There is nothing like when you stand in front of that crowd of people with that degree. When you know that you and only you are responsible for that success. That drive for greatness is lost on this generation of whiners and overgrown babies.

Furthermore, I see the mistakes these kids make even when they do go that route. They complain about being broke but they go out and take extravagant trips that they clearly cannot afford to other states or even countries. They live like they're rich rather than saving to be rich. You cannot expect to have money when you go out and blow a 50-100$ every night at a bar just to impress friends.

TLDR; millenials are lazy

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