What the fuck is going on...

Wonder how this goes down if it hypothetically does become a large war.

Gonna preface this by saying I have no real knowledge in this besides what friends have told me, have spent the past two months completely absorbed in work so don’t know how realistic it is, but if this does become a major landmark war where the whole country is mobilized to fight together and support freedoms how does it play out in the current generation? Online, the most common mindset right now is “America sucks” with a lot of people in the younger generations constantly threatening to leave. Then we have very large and somewhat organized tankie and commie groups within the country who would be faithful to the enemy. I’m not saying the blind patriotic mindset Americans have had in the past during wartime was good, especially since it was fueled further by a lack of proper information and heavy war propaganda. But I wonder how such a shift would affect us in desperate times.

/r/MURICA Thread Link - i.redd.it