The Future of Bounty Hunter and PvP

The biggest problems I see with pvp is clans, clients and high hitting weapons. 1 clan member lowers your supplies; throws a TB, team logs in then specs get unloaded making single pking aweful. Something definately needs doing about client abuse which still exists. High hitting weapons leaves people bridding on high HP knowing once a large XP drop comes from a barrage it's shortly about to be followed by AGS to Gmaul or Claws to Gmaul stacking stupid amounts of damage. There needs to be a way to bring casual pking back like it was around 2006. Quick thoughts off the top of my head is to hide xp drops in wildi (maybe 1 specific world) to prevent people barraging/MSB/Bolting straight into speccing. Block F key use so switching and pray flicks are a lot less used. Although the simpler you make it the less fun/skill based it will become. It's a tough ask on Jagex so community input is vital on maintaining the roots of 07

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