Gameday Protest/Reaction Megathread

This is a thoughtful reply and I appreciate that. I can respect your views but I just don't see things the same way. And I have also lost friends and family to war and other tragedy so I can relate to that angle as well.

For me, I don't think a flag can be arbitrarily separated into only standing for the highest ideals. As you mention there is a dark side to the symbolism and what it has been used for as well. I mean I can respect that you only see the highest form of ideals in the symbol but I also respect that it has been a symbol for much darker things to other people. Both experiences are valid IMO.

Also, I can't separate looking at people's feelings for the flag with how those feelings are reinforced in kids since kindergarten in the US. Most kids have to repeat this pledge over and over before their minds are developed enough to even know what they are saying. So I feel that a lot of people have this visceral reaction to the flag that doesn't really come from any rational experience but rather just from being taught that a flag is something sacred because they had to repeat it continually since they were 5 years old.

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