The gender disparity in STEM fields, explained.

Of course the comic is simplistic and isn't a full representation of the complexity of the situation, but then how could it be, and would that even be desirable in a comic that aims to simply make the point that women* are freely choosing to not to enter the STEM fields, then woman* are complaining about there not being many women in STEM fields, blaming the free choices of women* on sexism.

*I mean here women in general, in each case the women doing the action/s, not all women.

I think practically everyone wants more women in STEM; If the door of welcome was opened any wider it would snap off its hinges.

I think there is a deliberately-crafted narrative claiming that there are legions of women who have a passion for STEM but who are frightened out by sexism and all sorts of woman-unfriendly discomforts and obstacles; the idea being if we make everything as comfortable, easy, and problem-free as possible, these women will come into STEM. I call this the "Princess and the Pea" approach and think it is doomed to failure. More on that here.

I can relate to women who have the ability but not the interest. In high school, because I had the ability, I was encouraged/pressured into taking the maximum number of science and math classes possible, at the highest level; but STEM wasn't my passion. Yes, I could do what it took and could have had a career in STEM, but I didn't want to then, and don't want to now. I made the right choice for me in not going into STEM.

What if the vast majority of the women who could have succeeded in STEM but chose something else are just like me? And then there are the women who had neither the interest or the ability who chose not to go into STEM because it wasn't for them. Still no sexism.

If the "sexism" narrative is largely/almost entirely untrue, then this a case of equality of opportunity clashing with equality of outcome. What are we supposed to do? Force random uninterested women into STEM? Would having a gender studies degree grant you an exemption?

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