George R.R. Martin on 'Winds of Winter': 'Winter Is the Time When Things Die'

I almost think that's his intention.

In the past, Martin scoffed at Tolkein for ending on "And he ruled wisely and well" because that's not realistic.

Well. His story is more or less shaping up to be yet another fantastical Monomyth, but the War of The Roses happened between the events.

Step 1. Brooding bastard Anti-Hero who is discontent their mundane life and future prospects.

Step 2. Brooding bastard Anti-Hero sets off into the world of the unknown.

Step 3. The War of The Roses happens.

Step 4. Brooding bastard Anti-Hero, Sexy Dragon Lady Goddess Archetype, and their rag tag band of allies and helpers defeats undead army of darkness using Dragons and Magic.

Step 5. Brooding bastard Anti-Hero and Sexy Dragon Lady Goddess Archetype either self-sacrifice to destroy army of darkness and were true heroes, or they rule wisely and well.

So. It may be silly to say that GRRMs goal is to die before he has to eat his words, I do think it would be mighty convenient for his previous snickering at Tolkien, if he could avoid finally having to end the story, and from the looks of it it's gonna end on "And he ruled wisely and well."

Or he'll just take the other Monomyth route, Jon Snow self sacrifices, and act like it was some gritty reimagining of the "Classical" story because muh dead characters.

... I'm sorry. I've got hang ups with Martin.

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