German mayor says 10-year-olds shouldn’t ‘provoke’ sex attacks

We also have to keep in mind the jews success relative to how the native germans were doing--which was not good because of the treaty post WWI where all of europe essentially used them as a scapegoat and ruined them.

So you had a lot of successful immigrant jews that didn't identify with the germans living in insular communities alongside destitute germans:

  • the blockade that continued after the hostility was over resulted in the deaths and suffering of many
  • the treaty of Versailes which, along for putting the sole blame on them, forced Germany to lose its reserves because they had to pay economic reparations to all the Allies--this also kept their economy from recovering.

    • It caused the new republic to print more money, resulting in hyperinflation which devalued their money to one-trillionth of its previous value.
    • In 1922 the Reparations Commission declared Germany in default (because, you know, they couldn't afford it) which caused germany to be occupied again for a bit
  • Then there was the fact that a lot of Germany's land was taken (like historically german land they did not forcibly take in the war)

  • Nazi propaganda would feed on a general German view that the treaty was unfair (which it was)—many Germans never accepted the treaty as legitimate, and later gave their political support to Adolf Hitler, who was arguably the first national politician to both speak out and take action against the treaty's conditions.

Did I mention Nazis are stupid subhuman creatures?

But I guess turning to the one party that actually seemed like it would (and did) help you out of the economic depression and getting fucked by what is widely regarded today as a completely messed up treaty "subhuman" then I don't know what to tell you mate.

You assume they all knew about the camps and you assume they all joined because they hated jews. You also assume that they were all super well educated about their current situation like we are when in reality you had very poor struggling people that had far less access to information that we do now. The Allies made germans their scapegoat, and in return the germans made the jews their scapegoat.

I'm so happy that we live in a time we don't blindly hate and blame people for shit based on nothing more than rhetoric (Republicans, Democrats, Black people, White people, illegal immigrants, wall street executives, drug addicts, the homeless, all Police officers, MRA, feminists, tans people, gay people, vegans, etc...). That would be so subhuman of us.

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