German soccer team takes a knee before Bundesliga game ‘for a tolerant Berlin’

There needs to be more tolerance from the immigrant community as well. And from the extremist muslim one as well. People don't hate muslims for no reason it's the extremists that get everyone scared. There's a Muslim terrorist attack every month or so. When your religion teaches you to be intolerant of other people it tends to affect others sooner or later. Isn't that what we see happening now? Just think about it if everyone just kept their mouths shut when the bombs kill people in theathres and people keep their mouths shut as the children are blown up at a concern does the hate really go away? Is everything really over and done with? Attacking an entire race/community over the actions of one guy is dumb, but understanding that someone gets frustrated when their hometown becomes a warzone isn't. At this point there isn't really much of an answer from the left on the issue of ISIS sneaking into the refugee groups to cause problems. Fact is that after ISIS popped up and the immigrants went to Europe we've been seeing more conflict. And the response seems to be no change after each attack. So people get frustrated and turn to prejudice.

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