Getting an internship at a not-well-known company?

congrats on getting an internship as a sophomore! that's extremely good. lol i remember as a sophomore i had 1 interview, failed it, and didn't get any internships that summer. junior year i improved, but it's way harder to even get interviews if you don't have prior internships. i know that now, as i really saw the difference in responses substantially change after my first internship. you have junior year to get a different internship - don't give up now! it's way too early to be thinking with this mindset.

honestly, i don't think "big offers" matters as much as you think. there are companies that people work at other than those "big offers". i actually am in a similar position, and will be interning at a pretty small company (with less recognition) over Amazon. names are meaningless, seriously. don't mistake your worth for your ability to get offers. getting an internship is tough for most people - that's just a fact.

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